There was a recent Kickstarter for Mimics: An Unnecessary Work that I managed to miss. Complete and utter lack of awareness. Failed my Perception roll with a natural 1.
"Well", you're not wondering, "is it any good?" I'll let the creator tell you in his own words.

Welcome to Mimics, An Unnecessary Work. Designed as a completely worthless collection of ideas that gamemasters may turn to when tossing a mimic into their next dungeon, this title was created because I felt like jotting down some useless words that are likely as unnecessary as anything I have ever written. If you foolishly throw a handful of coins in my direction in exchange for this document, I apologize in advance. Though, to be fair, I did try to steer you away from spending your money on this creative effort: the name alone is a warning to all who might be tempted to buy this.
There's plenty more on the Kickstarter page, all of it done with the same tongue-in-cheek style.
Here's the link. These things only stay readable for a short time on Kickstarter after a campaign ends so it might be useless a few months from the time of this post, much like the product.
Philip decided to flood the RPG marketplace with more useless junk to accumulate with the already terrible detritus most "creators" vomit up. Here again in his own words is Philip.
As always, everything I have put to paper should be ignored once you realize just how worthless it truly is. I am positive that your own creativity can lead to far better ideas than I’ve offered in the unnecessary work.
What can I say that Philip Reed isn't doing a great job of elucidating on himself?
This guy isn't shy about producing things nobody needs in formats nobody would reasonably want to use. Here again is Philip.

Those who have followed my creative efforts have no doubt recognized that I enjoy tackling formats well outside of the norm. I recently ran a Kickstarter campaign for Tome of Skulls (already shipped to backers!) that embraced a new product format: the Pocket Map! When I ran across, a website specializing in small maps that can fold down and slip into a pocket, I just had to give them a shot. The end result looks so good that I am back with a second product in the pocket map format!
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