Thursday, March 31, 2022

Thursday Knights

The party rested in their rather spartan chambers within the Silver Flame temple complex and awoke to a bland breakfast. They each had personal business to attend throughout the morning on into early afternoon.

Ennark left half of his breakfast uneaten and excused himself. He needed more palatable food and found his way to one of the higher class establishments in the city. Upon his return, satisfied by the taste of a better meal, he met with the high priest to begin preparations for the divinations.

The party gathered and determined the questions they would ask. While the questions were fairly well constructed to limit confusion, the answers were anything other than concise. They were able to determine that the missing wizard was, at least for now, on Sorrowdusk Isle. They also ascertained that it was likely the snake people that had him and they wanted his help figuring out how their magic box worked.

Revealing this to a House the wizard was associated with gained the party supplies and passage on a small ship. 

Approaching the island they encountered a slaver ship which caught up and the snake people crew attempted boarding. With effort they defeated the snake people and began looting. There was no way the party was going to get attacked and not get paid.

Below decks were two groups of people, all of them chained up. It's a good thing Ennark opted not to burn the slave ship to the waterline. Freeing the slaves, the party managed to keep the two groups from setting upon one another as the larger group intended to murder the smaller group for taking them as slaves. It turns out the snake people captured the ship and were also going to enslave the slavers. Eventually Ennark sorted things out and only the captain and first mate of the slaver crew proved to be offending persons, and were handed over to the larger group for justice.

Meanwhile Lord Anton had used his bag of holding to loot a significant amount of treasure from the captain's quarters leaving a bunch of empty chests, much to chagrin of the crew of the small vessel they had arrived on. The snake people had a small amount of coinage and some magic items.

Later, the party took a rowboat and made their way to shore. Hiding in the jungle they scouted nearby docks where more snake people were loading another ship and preparing to leave the island. There was no sign of the wizard.

The magical locator compass indicated that the ring the wizard had been wearing when kidnapped was somewhere deeper inland so they set out to close the distance before nightfall.

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