Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Ptolus Campaign Two - (First Session) Three Little Thugs, part 1

Location: Ptolus, North Market district. 

Participating characters:

Alcott - Half-Elf Rogue, level 1

Crispin Ellindril - Elf Ranger, level 1

Quinn Farshore - Human Fighter (Magical Adept), level 1

The three had been on the docks that morning when they noticed a woman hold an amulet up to a box they knew to be empty and then extract a thick pouch from inside. They followed her up into the city, through Midtown and into North Market. They would have to move quick, before she could reach the crowded streets and vendor stalls. Tibbs knew just where to stage the ambush.

Tibbs struck fast, the first blow was to the woman's forehead, his cudgel opening a gash, his second blow to her right cheek. She fell instantly to the cobblestone street. Nuckle grabbed the amulet from around her neck while Kelcan stole her fattened coin purse. Then the three of them sprinted down the road dodging everything in their path eventually rounding another corner and descending into an open sewer grate.

Quinn, Crispin, and Alcott noticed three young teenagers armed with clubs running up the street and ducking around another corner. Shortly a woman, half running, half staggering came into view crying out "Stop! Help!" before dropping to all fours, blood pouring from the injury on her swollen purple face. At first they hesitated, unsure if the two things were related, then Quinn and Alcott raced after the youths and Crispin went to aid the stricken woman.

"Get the amulet back" she coughed, "and you can keep the money." With that, she lapsed into unconsciousness. 

There was little Crispin could do for her. He looked around hoping to see the city watch, but none were immediately present. Lifting her from the ground Crispin carried her into Windship Fine Fabrics. There he asked for help. Luckily a young midwife was shopping for dress making materials and immediately rendered aid stopping the bleeding. The shop's seamstress ran out for help from the city watch and Crispin followed after his companions.

At the next corner Quinn and Alcott could see no sign of the escaping teens, but a sewer grate stood open. Making the assessment that this was likely their escape route, the two descended into the darkness beneath the street.

Alcott could discern that the tunnel ran from the west to where they stood and continued to the north. Quinn, without the benefit of darkvision decided to light a torch, certain that the buildup of flammable gasses was negligible. A brief examination showed that the western end was blocked by a thick grate, unmovable without tools. They headed cautiously northward and halfway along the west wall they spotted a badly disguised opening.

Crispin came to the same conclusion regarding the sewer grate, climbing down and seeing his friends illuminated by a torch, not far down the tunnel. Uncertain what he would face, Alcott armed himself and pushed rapidly past the hanging tarp. Inside were two giant rats and a humanoid ratling, surprised at the sudden intrusion. Quinn joined him followed shortly by Crispin.

A rotting table lay upon its side mid chamber, ceasing the initiative, Alcott charged past the giant rats, leapt the obstacle and stabbed the ratling with his rapier. The larger of the giant rats, clearly twice the size of the other, fell to a magical blast of purple energy launched by Quinn. Then the ratling struck. 

With a loud screech the bleeding ratling slashed Alcott, dropping him unconscious to the feces soiled floor of the room. It back-peddled putting more room between it and the bright torch in Quinn's hand. The remaining giant rat rushed forward, savaging Quinn with a nasty bite. Crispin pushed into the room and closed the distance to the ratman, trading attacks until slaying the vile creature. Quinn armed himself and laid low the wretched thing as Crispin used Alcott's healing kit to stabilize the half-elf.

The party cut off the tails of the rat creatures, aware of the three gold piece reward for ratling tails offered by the church of Lothian. They would need to stop by a temple to receive the reward, and maybe a remove disease cast by a priest should they be unlucky.

Across the dirty room another passage led into a chamber of similar size, even more filthy than the first. It was empty except for an aging set of wooden stairs leading upward to an old door. Taking the lead, Crisping climbed the stairs and examined the door. The lower left of it had been chewed away and a bookshelf could be seen behind it. He pulled the door open and examined the shelves certain it was itself a secret entrance.

Crispin pushed on the bookcase and it opened easily with just a slight creaking sound. Across the dimly lit room amid crates, boxes, and barrels was a table covered with an alembic, bottles, flasks, and jars. Back to the party stood a halfling staring at a test tube. A voice coming from out of the line of sight spoke up, "What was that?"

The smell here was overwhelming, acrid and nauseating. 

The elf stepped through into the room with Quinn on his heels. To the left was a tall human with white hair, wearing a leather smock. Behind the man was a large contraption, a boiling cauldron beside some strange equipment filled with colored liquids. Crispin apologized for the intrusion explaining they were following someone and the trail appeared to lead here.

The human loudly barked "You don't belong here!" Shortly followed by the appearance from another room of two burly, armed men. Realizing they were in no condition for another fight, the party backed from the room closing both doors and retreating back into the sewers. Quinn remarks "This must be a drug lab."

Further along they find another open sewer grate where they overhear members of the city watch discussing the problem of broken locks on grates. Waiting till the watch leaves they exit the sewer.

Round the next building's corner they locate the two watchmen and ask about seeing three thugs wearing green, carrying clubs and a pouch. After some back and forth, the guards mention that they might have gone into the Red Stallion over on Diamond Street.

The Red Stallion Pub is crowded with farmers, merchants, and laborers. It is noisy with conversation and laughter. The party spread out and wander through the large establishment searching the crowd for signs of the three miscreants. 

While searching the crowd they manage to overhear mention of young punks spending platinum coins, Alcott inquires in thieves cant and learns about a gang house on Anointed Street. 

Walking a slow circuitous route to make sure they aren't going to be followed, they arrive to find a busy lane of smaller houses and tenement buildings. Finding a spot to loiter and observe, it doesn't take long to see a number of young men coming and going from a tenement about a third of the way down the street.

Forming a plan, Quinn watches from the street while Alcott and Crispin go inside. Gradually making their way to the third floor Crispin and Alcott spot half a dozen "greens" standing in the hallway near an open door from which conversation can be heard.

Cautiously easing past the gang members avoiding eye contact, the two go to the next door on the same side of the hall. A knock from Alcott brings an old lady to door, Alcott says "Auntie, we're here to help with your chores" as he slips her a gold piece. Stunned she lets them in, closing the door behind them. 

Alcott asks her what she could use help with and she mentions the leaky window frame. Crispin climbs out the window and moves over to the neighboring window to eaves drop on the greens. Alcott examines the window frame and is surprised Crispin didn't plunge to the street from a catastrophic collapse.

Perched precariously on the very narrow ledge, Crispin overhears part of a conversation regarding Tibbs and his crew making a big score earlier and something about them going to the docks to do something about a box. Worried that lingering longer will get him discovered he eases back into the old woman's apartment.

The two excuse themselves, working their way back past the gang members and out of the building meeting up again with Quinn.

1 comment:

StevenWarble said...

Crispin? Is that a PC for a certain former Dundalk Sports editor?