Saturday, January 21, 2023

Meh, Things From Wizbro I'm No Longer Excited About

I had been looking forward to the following things, but WotC has screwed the pooch and I will no longer be sending any money their way.

Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves. This high budget movie is coming out in theaters at the end of March. My brother and I had planned a trip to go see it. Neither of us will be going, instead we will wait till it can be watched for free, however long that takes.

The D&D TV show in the works. Not going to subscribe to a streaming service to get access to it.

The 50th Anniversary edition (6th edition, aka One D&D) of the game. Nope.

Instead, that money will go to 3rd party publishers to support their efforts in service to the community of fans of the game.

I have also put in a request to cancel my D&D Beyond account, but it is being deliberately bounced from department to department in order to get me to give up the effort. Not happening Wizbro.

I'll still play D&D, the game isn't the problem, the company that owns the rights to it is the problem.

Wizbro is dead to me.

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