Saturday, November 17, 2018

Random Table: Who is that Drunkard? part 1

This random tavern patron table was originally submitted to a contest in Fight On! Magazine.

Part 1 #s 1 through 20 of 100 patrons:

01 - A farmer whose crops or livestock were recently lost or destroyed.

02 - A former apprentice to a local wizard.

03 - The jealous wife of a guard.

04 - A free spending merchant.

05 - A tailor known to serve wealthy clientele.

06 - A guard of the nearby brothel.

07 - A bounty hunter.

08 - A high priest or priestess of the temple.

09 - An angry father looking for the taker of his daughter's virtue.

10 - A poor peddler trying to sell small carvings or trinkets.

11 - A small lost looking child with crumpled papers in hand.

12 - A proud pig farmer going around showing off an unusual piglet.

13 - Half a dozen mourners dressed in black.

14 - A cartographer staring at a torn map fragment.

15 - The rat catcher.

16 - Three well dressed men.

17 - A veiled woman with a small black box on her table.

18 - A one-eyed harlot.

19 - The local magistrate or town elder.

20 - Two grave diggers tossing and catching a knife.

Part two #s 21 through 40 coming in a couple days.

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