Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Sepulchre of the Bronze Legion: Room 6

Room 6:
Laid to rest here is the majority of the Legion's swordsman and officers. The sarcophagus contains the remains of the commander, waiting for the time when the Legion is called to fight again.

The commander is wearing bronze breast plate, grieves and bracers in perfect condition. He is wielding a bronze long sword and bears a bronze shield.

Upon the sarcophagus is the Legion Seal, a symbol of a bronze shield crossed by sword and spear. If this is taken from the lid skeletons from every room will begin to rise to pursue and slay the thieves.

In the Southwest corner is a door with a clockwork mechanism. It can be opened once the procedure is determined (easy task).

In the Southeast corner is a secret door leading south.

Full Map:

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