Friday, January 31, 2025

The Queen With The Burning Eyes - Dungeon Magazine 113

Evil cultists lead by a monied individual, check. Weird creatures within a section of Ghul's Labyrinth, check. A key to Dwarvenhearth, check. Evil delvers lead by a necromancer that want the key, check. This scenario plays well in Ptolus. The cultists might work as worshippers of Father Claw.

The real challenge here falls on people without the Eberron setting information about the monsters. You'll have to build some of them yourself, but that's fine because you'll have a solid understanding of how they work in combat when you finish construction.

The basics of the plot involve a bit of construction work/excavation work that is a cover for the monied cultists to operate in the labyrinth dungeon below. Some people are getting kidnapped, others mugged, burglaries of nearby homes and shops happen, etc, since the underground was opened to the surface.

Locating the dungeon is simple and it fits well in the Guildsman district. 

I used part of this with some of the characters in my first Ptolus campaign, but it never was fully completed. When the characters got a look at the Naga the cultists were sacrificing people to, they bolted from the dungeon. 

Friday, January 17, 2025

Pour a Potent Potion into one of These.

 Time for more shameless self promotion. The blog's Zazzle store has these mugs and some other things for sale. Follow this link to see what's available. If you like something order it. Thanks!*     <----- Link

Below are the designs on three other mugs. Pardon the duplication of images. The banner design mug image copied fine, but the rest came out, well, not as mugs.

There are cards with these images, you can send to folks for whatever reason or to invite them to a special game session. 

Also there are a banner pin and a banner magnet available.

Friday, January 3, 2025

The Stink - Dungeon Magazine 105

Now who doesn't want to root around in and under the Middens and the sewers beneath them? You don't? What about your player characters?

This adventure will require some changes to play well with Ptolus, but the concept is solid.

Evil Locathah, non-evil Locathah, lot's of nasty encounters and dangerous filth. What's not to love?

Diseases are at the root of this adventure. Included in the scenario are 6 new diseases, described in juicy detail. 

The evil Locathah are worshippers of a god of disease and have chosen the midden and the sewers and caves below to set up a lab for incubating more and more virulent disease strains. 

You may have to put some effort toward getting the player characters involved in this mess, but a couple of options are put forward. A missing friend is one possibility, but I like the second option better because it can be developed with more detail. An important item, maybe a family heirloom has been accidently dumped into the vastness of the Midden and because of its nature the owner is willing to pay for delvers to go and get it back. There are also some missing people being held down below so the PCs might be pursuing that lead.

You can easily combine this with other scenarios like the one with Ularis Gadare offering a reward to go in and retrieve something he wants.