The latest major success story is Dwarven Forge Game Tiles. Stefan and the crew at Dwarven Forge have been making 3 dimensional gaming terrain of dungeons for 17 years.
The material of choice up till now has been a polystone resin which while tough, is still fragile enough to be concerning. Now they are introducing a far tougher material that will also have the major benefit of being much less expensive.
The cost of resin along with labor cost has been rising rapidly and continuing to push the cost of the terrain out of reach of budgets for a large part of the gaming populace. With this new kickstarter project Stefan hopes to change that and make the Dwarven Forge product more accessible.
You should check out the Kickstarter for details, however here are two pics from the page to show off a little bit of the painted and unpainted product.

I can imagine a myriad of ways to enhance the unpainted ones for special scenes, and some people already modify existing painted resin pieces to make some very unique scenes.
I have a number of the various sets of Dwarven Forge that I occasionally break out and use for special set-ups, but I lack enough to anything major even with the basic sets. I have built my small collection up over the 17 years Dwarven Forge has existed and I have had to skip a lot of sets that I would otherwise love to have and have small quantities of the sets I do own.
For people like myself and especially people new to 3d terrain for gaming, this kind of project and hopefully future ones for other sets might just be the magic ticket to affordably getting this wonderful accessory to enhance games.
Dwarven Forge intends to continue with their high-end resin sets for now since that allows them to continue making some of the very specialized limited edition or otherwise complex items, while the new molds for the new material will allow the basic pieces to made in greater numbers at a much lower cost.
Go to Kickstarter and check out the Game Tiles page. Even if this isn't your thing, the info there is still interesting.
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